Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thoughts on This and That

A Chance to Win a Copy of The Prairie Grass Murders Paperback

When Donna Volkennant at Donna's Book Pub won the first box of books I gave away, I included a couple of signed copies of the Harlequin Worldwide mass market paperback version of my first Sylvia and Willie mystery. Donna is now passing on the fun by giving away them away to readers who post comments between now and March 15th. She has a great blog, by the way, with lots of good book reviews and other writer and reader interests.

If you don't win, and you want a copy anyway, I invite you to visit the Harlequin Worldwide online store, the only place the paperback version can be purchased.

What I'm Reading

I just started The Survivor's Club: The Secrets and Science That Could Save Your Life by Ben Sherwood, a nonfiction book about people who experience and survive unbelievable disasters, accidents, illnesses, etc. Studies indicate there is a unique mindset in those folks. Very interesting premise.

Since I usually read a novel at the same time I'm reading nonfiction (well, not at the exact same moment--I do switch back and forth), I'm going to read another Stephen J. Cannell book. He'll be the keynote speaker at the Northern Colorado Writers Conference March 26-27. By the way, if you follow that conference link before the conference, you'll find a chance to win a book. This week's selection is Hell's Bottom, Colorado by Laura Pritchett.

Another Writing Retreat at Home

From today through Monday, I'll be working on those novel revisions and the self-editing tasks. Door closed. Focused. Brain fully engaged. I'm even going to eat my lunch in my little office.

Colorado Internet Tax and the Amazon Power Play

As soon as Colorado rammed its little internet sales tax through without any regard for the effect on Colorado businesses, Amazon slammed the door on us. I don't know which one makes me more angry--the Colorado internet tax or the Amazon response. Is there the slightest concern for individuals and small (or large) businesses here? Sure doesn't seem like it.

The Pluto Files

My husband has been after me to watch a Nova documentary he'd recorded. I couldn't imagine why he kept telling me I needed to watch it. I mean...Pluto, for heaven's sake. Anyway, I gave in and watched the first part of the recording last night. It's great. I'll probably watch the rest of it this evening.

The director of the Hayden Planetarium, Neil deGrasse Tyson, is an entertaining and funny storyteller. Even if you don't watch this type of show on a regular basis, I think you'll like this one. I don't know if it's available to rent, so check out your library and see if they've purchased a copy.


Donna Volkenannt said...

Hi Patricia,
Thanks for mentioning the book giveaway contest on my blog. Sorry to hear about the Colorado Internet tax. Hope it doesn't catch on here in Missouri.

Jemi Fraser said...

Donna's blog sounds like fun - I'll check it out!

It's interesting how we can change such negative perceptions by being open minded. Glad you enjoyed Pluto :)

Anonymous said...


Thanks again for the run down of important info in the writing world. I've heard great things about Stephan Cannell.

Sorry about your Colorado tax laws. I often wonder who makes the laws and who they are thinking about when they do. Or maybe the more appropriate question is: who has what to gain by pushing through some seemingly disasterous decisions? Best of luck.

JournoMich said...

I don't even know where to start with this post. I've actually had it open all day but haven't been able to wrap my head around it! So here's a shout out to say I was here. I read it. I digested.
