Saturday, September 27, 2014

You Know I'm Always Bragging on the Talented Colorado Authors.....

Today I want to send congratulations out to Dean K. Miller for his upcoming e-book, The Odyssey of the Monk as well as his cover designer and illustrator, April J. Moore, also a Coloradoan.

That's the cover above, and here's a sample of the art within the book.

The monk story was introduced in Dean's collection of essays, poems, and stories called And Then I Smiled: Reflections on a Life Not Yet Complete. Dean blogs at Dean K. Miller_Author_Writer. He can also be found on Goodreads, Facebook and Twitter.

April J. Moore is a woman of many talents. Her novel of women's fiction, Bobbing for Watermelons, is in the revision process for potential publication. Her successful non-fiction Folsom's 93: The Lives and Crimes of Folsom Prison's Executed Men is fascinating reading. And on top of that, she's an accomplished artist and illustrator. If you want to see more of her work for The Odyssey of the Monk, visit her blog at April Moore: Writer and Illustrator. You'll also find her on Goodreads, Facebook, and Twitter.

Well done, Dean and April!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I saw that on Dean's site this week - awesome!

Mason Canyon said...

Congratulations to Dean and April. Sounds like an intriguing book and the artwork is awesome.

Dean K Miller said...

Good Morning Pat, Alex and Mason. Thanks, Pat for the shout out! The Monk's Odyssey has just begun. Thanks Alex and Mason for stopping by and saying hi. Since you two are the first early birds here, I'll let you in on a secret: The Odyssey of the Monk goes on sale on Kindle Oct 1 ($1.99) but it will be free Oct. 10-12. Shhh....don't tell anyone else!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! That is wonderful news! Much success!

Dean K Miller said...

Thanks, Margot. Hopefully this short story will have a long road of success!