Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Books on Fiction Writing by Chris Roerden

I'll probably mention well-known editor Chris Roerden every few months, just in case someone forgets, or new readers come aboard. Her two books on fiction-writing techniques are comprehensive tools for writing and self-editing. Chris will give a workshop during the SinC Into Great Writing program in Indianapolis on October 14th, the day before Bouchercon 2009 begins.

The first book, Don't Murder Your Mystery: 24 Fiction-Writing Techniques to Save Your Manuscript From Turning Up . . . D.O.A., was an Agatha Award Winner for Best Non-Fiction Book. Published in 2006 by Bella Rosa Books, DMYM soon created a buzz among mystery writers. Chris includes examples from published authors as she explains what can go wrong between a manuscript and a "screener-outer" that causes the manuscript to earn a rejection letter.

The second book is an expanded version of the first and includes excerpts from all genres to reinforce her stated techniques. Don't Sabotage Your Submission: Save Your Manuscript From Turning Up D.O.A. was released in 2008, and many authors (including me) have both versions of the book on their shelves.

You would be doing your local writer friends a great favor if you asked your library to order a copy of at least one of these books. And you'd be doing yourself a favor to read one of them (if you haven't done so already).


KK Brees said...

Thanks for the reminder about two great books, Patricia. I'm now back at my first love, mystery writing, and will need to keep these strategies in mind.

Elizabeth Spann Craig said...

I'll second the praise for Roerden's book...I've got it in my library and it's a great reference.

Mystery Writing is Murder

joe doaks-Author said...

Asking the local library to stock a book is free and easy. I'll do it.

Now, I'm headed over to Amazon to read a bit more about these books. I'm building my how to, tips, and tricks library and these sound like some of what I need. Thanks for once again providing information I can use.

Helen Ginger said...

Thank you Patricia for this reminder. I've been meaning to look for her book and had forgotten. It's now on my list of books to look at - the one I carry in my purse!

Straight From Hel

Jane Kennedy Sutton said...

I haven't seen either of these two books but I'll look for them next time I'm in the library and will put in a request if they're not there. They both sound really helpful.
