Saturday, December 19, 2009

Kerrie Flanagan's newest project: The Complete Writer

Kerrie Flanagan, the director of Northern Colorado Writers, seems to have more than twenty-four hours in each one of her days and more energy than a dozen three-year-old boys.

So far, Kerrie has given us a great organization for writers that now includes members from Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Minnesota, Arizona, and Illinois. She is responsible for the growing success of the Northern Colorado Writers Conference (scheduled for March 26-27, 2010). The second annual Writer's Retreat weekend was held in November. The idea of a studio with space for classes, workshops, critique group meetings, quiet writing room, library, along with coffee and snacks was Kerrie's as well. And there's The Writing Bug, now featuring many of NCW's fine member-writers as guest bloggers.

Now, beginning January 1st, Kerrie is starting a subscription-based writing newsletter for all writers (not just NCW) called The Complete Writer. She is looking for writers to contribute articles.

For now, payment will be $20 per article

Possible topics:

Author interviews, inspirational articles, roundups of great writing blogs, writing craft articles, book reviews of writing books, organizational articles, querying, pitching, personal experience...anything writing related.


1. Word count 500-750 words

2. Due by the 15th of each month

3. Send completed article to:

4. Please put "The Complete Writer Submission" in the subject line

5. You will be notified within two weeks as to whether or not your article will be used. You will receive payment within two weeks after the newsletter is published. NCW asks for onetime rights. Reprints are accepted.

Kerrie says that her payment rate will increase as newsletter subscriptions increase.

Some of you have blog posts that would translate into articles, have interesting writerly friends you could interview, just read a great book on writing, or obtained an agent because of your perfect query letter. I hope you'll submit to The Complete Writer.

1 comment:

Jemi Fraser said...

Sounds interesting, I'll check it out :)