Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sneaking Up on 1,000 Posts, Guests, and Peanut Butter


I just realized this will be my 909th post, which means I'm only 91 away from the big 1,000. I should hit the magic number before winter, if I don't get too lazy. What should we do to celebrate when I get there? A book giveaway? Gift card? Any suggestions?

Guest Authors

I'm looking for more guest bloggers for the open Thursdays in 2012. Check the schedule in my sidebar to see who's signed up so far. I like to feature writers who have a new book release, but those in between books are welcome too. I'm open to a lot of topics as long as they're related to writing and/or the writing life. If you click on my blog profile you'll find a link to my e-mail address.

Peanut Butter

I like the kind of peanut butter that is lightly salted, chunky, and that you have to stir before opening to mix the oil back into the rest of the good stuff.

Can't stand peanut butter that has sugar added.

Peanut butter is excellent on toasted whole wheat English muffins, plain rice cakes, and saltines.

Peanut butter and banana sandwiches are disgusting.

Peanut butter cookies are divine.

Also Peanut Butter Cups and all facsimiles thereof. When my kids were little I used to have them roll the peanut butter balls for me to dip in chocolate, but I had to stop making them because they were way too good. Makes my mouth water to think about it.

What I'm Reading Now

Yes, I'm on a roll. The book I started this week is You Came Back by Christopher Coake. This is the second book I've read this year about the death of a child. The other was Sea Change by Jeremy Page. It's a tough topic to read or write about, but both of these books are compelling if you can handle the characters' grief.

That's It

Now I'm off to other projects in the effort to shorten my To Do List. I hope you'll come back tomorrow for a guest post by Judy Dailey.


Anonymous said...

Pat - Mmmm...peanut butter :-). I like the kind that's extra, extra crunchy.

I can imagine that both the Coake and the Page novels have been difficult reads, considering their topics. I always find it difficult to read a novel where something happens to a child. For me it's got to be handled well if I'm to stick with it: it's that awful a topic.

Arlee Bird said...

What'd you have to bring up peanut butter for? Mmm--Reese's Cups. I got on a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich dusted with powdered sugar for a while until I got tired of them. But they weren't all that bad. I guess I wanted to feel like Elvis.

Congratulations on the 1000 posts. I'm not sure where I stand and I'll probably forget to look.

Tossing It Out

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I can't even imagine a thousand posts. I can imagine peanut butter though. Great on pancakes. Really - try it!

Patricia Stoltey said...

Margot, double-crunchy is even better. And yes, parts of these books are hard to read, but both are very well written and the stories hold my attention well.

Hi Arlee, I know someone who used to take peanut butter, butter, and syrup (the cooking kind) and mash it all up on a plate, then eat it with a spoon. Never could get into that...

Patricia Stoltey said...

Alex, peanut butter on pancakes actually sounds pretty long as I leave off the syrup.

Lynn Proctor said...

you don't like pb and bananas--one of my favs and pb and honey---those books you mentioned sound like something i might want to look up--thanks

Golden Eagle said...

Congratulations on 900+ posts! That's a lot of blog content. :)

Rob-bear said...

Waiting for number 1,000 — "well done" in the meantime.

Peanut butter us good! Everywhere. Except your computer keyboard.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Hi Lynn, I know I'm weird because everyone else I know likes peanut butter and banana together. One of my grandmothers used to coat banana chunks in smooth peanut butter and then roll it in chopped peanuts so it wouldn't be so sticky. Never did like those little things.

Thanks, Golden Eagle. I was pretty surprised at the 900+ number too, but I have lots of guest bloggers that helped me reach that number.

Rob-bear -- I never eat anywhere near my keyboard. I have enough trouble not spilling my coffee...