Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Where Have All My Visitors Gone? (Plus the Tuesday Question)

A Blogging Fact of Life

The truth is, if we don't get out there and maintain our blogging friendships by visiting other bloggers and leaving comments, our bloggerly friends will abandon us to our lonely, introverted, writerly existence with the definite impression we choose to be alone.

In my case, it's not alone time I sought, but connectivity. I've had a rough time this summer with router/modem problems and was abruptly disconnected from my wireless connection in the middle of blog-hopping, blog writing, and e-mail answering so many times I literally gave up while my gadget-loving husband fiddled with wires and moved the router to different locations (including on top of a cupboard in the kitchen) in an effort to solve our problem.

The happy news? We may have simply been suffering from an overheated modem due to the location of our equipment and the extremely hot temperatures we've experienced this summer. Apparently we don't keep our house cold enough for this sensitive little guy. Our connection has remained strong for over 48 straight hours now, and I'm home from the conference, so I hope I can get my social media life back to normal.

Chiseled in Rock Tuesday

This is "What's New from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers?" day on the rock, so I hope you'll stop by and check out the three new books I've mentioned this month.  And for a real treat, take a look at yesterday's post where Janet Fogg displayed the Facebook timeline banner for RMFW, with its gorgeous collection of book covers from members' novels.

The Wordsmith Journal's Basket of Books Giveaway

You can register for this giveaway until September 25th, so visit the Wordsmith Basket of Books Contest page and check it out.

Genre Favorites Blogfest

Don't forget Alex J. Cavanaugh's Genre Favorites Blogfest is scheduled for next Monday, September 17th. The last time I looked, there are 146 bloggers signed up to participate. Is your name on the list?

My Thursday Guest Blogger

This week I'm welcoming mystery, romance, and beyond author Mel Jacob (also writing as Nell Duvall and Mary Ellen Jacob) with a blog post about genre choice. I hope you'll join us.

Setting My Writing Goals for Fall and Winter (and the Tuesday Question)

Every time I return from a writers' conference, especially one in the fall after a summer of gardening and other outdoor activities and very little writing, I'm motivated and inspired...and I start to set goals.

I'm going to spend a lot of time this week blocking out my schedule for the rest of this year and the first half of 2013.

The Tuesday Question:  Do you make a schedule for the projects you want to work on (whether writing or some other creative activity), or do you tend to go with the flow?


Anonymous said...

Pat - I'm so sorry to hear about your modem problems - ugh! I hope it all works well now. I think you're really wise to plan and block out your writing time. Sometimes I do that and I'm usually quite glad that I did. You've reminded me that I don't do it often enough though. So that's I suppose the answer to your Tuesday question: yes, I do plan time, but it doesn't always work out. And I always try to pay heed right away if Mistress Muse pays a visit ;-).

Looking forward to Mel Jacob's visit. Now, of to see your CIR post.

Terry Odell said...

Amazing how much technology we're forced to rely on ... I noticed that since I was both traveling and trying to finish my manuscript to get it to my editor, the first thing I let fall from my schedule was visiting and commenting on blogs...and I miss the connectivity!

As for schedules -- I'm bad about that. Once I commit to something, I put it on my white board so I don't forget (I rarely look at my computer calendar!) When things pile up, I plow into my list to get them out of the way. But then I add new ones--I wasn't going to go to any more conferences this year, but NINC is going to be SO close to where a special cousin lives, that I added that one to my plate.

Terry's Place

Jan Morrison said...

Oh! How I know what you mean! Having moved and changed emails to a gmail account so I didn't have to contend with my email being connected to my phone line and not remembering all my passwords and so on - I am BEYOND frustrated.
But it is fall and I'm making granola and even though I'm in a temporary spot I'm goint to attempt to come back to some normality. I'll see you there!
And yes - I do make up a schedule and follow it for a bit and then make up a new one and so forth. That is one of the best benefits of blogging for me - putting it out there and then doing it. Good (p)luck!

Unknown said...

Technical issues can really screw up your life, Pat! Here's to hoping they're resolved. :-)


Maryannwrites said...

Glad you got the modem problem worked out and it was not a serious one, or costly to fix.

I do not set a strict schedule for what I want to accomplish over the next few months, but I do have a plan for which projects I will try to finish in the next six months. Sticking to that plan is what is hard for me. LOL Some new idea is always popping up saying, "write me, write me."

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Modems can be fussy like that. Glad it's found a cool spot. I didn't give up on you!
Thanks for reminding folks about my blogfest.
I tend to go with the flow although if it's something that has to be done, I won't miss a deadline.

Patricia Stoltey said...

It's hard for us go-with-the-flow writers to stick to plans and meet deadlines, but sometimes we have to bite the bullet and actually use that To Do List. Mine is long and I still manage to ignore it from time to time. I've resolved to change my ways.

Ruth said...

Glad you got the router/modem problem figured out.
When I have a lot to do, I have to plan it out. I'd rather just go with the flow, but sometimes things call for a certain order.

Cynthia said...

I have problems with my computers sometimes too. In a fantasy world, I'd be able to plan things and execute my plan the way I'd imagined it. But I usually end up going with the flow though I try hard to stay disciplined and focused.

Patricia Stoltey said...

It seems it's not just me who struggles with sticking to a plan. :D

Talli Roland said...

I've been having a lot of modem problems myself, so I really feel your pain! It's so hard to get around to everyone when the connection keeps dropping off.

Donna Volkenannt said...

Hi Pat,
Sorry to hear about your modem problems but happy you have them resolved.

Lately I haven't been blogging or visiting as much as hoped. Summer kept me busy and the heat was draining, but with the cooler weather I'm hoping to heat up the keyboard, write more, and visit more.

liz young said...

Our router is suffering from the same problems, we think, although the OH is rather too quick to blame my use of the internet for his inability to get onto it. You'd think in this day and age it could cope with two laptops.
But the heat has also affected my energy and therefore the frequency with which I surf blogs, so I can sympathise. :)

Emily R. King said...

Wow. I really need that pep talk. I need to get around to more of the blogs I'm following, starting today!

Thanks, Pat!

Alana White said...

Hi, When you devise a schedule do you generally stay with it? It seems like life hands us soooo many interruptions and distractions.

Arlee Bird said...

Hope your internet solution fixes the problem. It's so true about the connections issue. If it weren't for my guest post program this summer I'd have problem experience a drastic decline in visitors since my own rounds to other blogs have been limited. As it is I've seen a big decline in the comments I get, but there comes a point where blog visiting has to be sacrificed if I'm going to do other things. I have to go with the flow I guess.

Hope you have a great autumn.

Tossing It Out

Anonymous said...

We had to move our modem aound until we found that "right spot" whicg happened to be the kids room. And they know not to touch it!

Oh, I made you the Author of the Week over at my blog too.

kjmckendry said...

Glad you got your modem working again. Computer problems are the most frustrating I think, because I feel so helpless. (I never have any idea what is wrong!)

I don't do schedules very well. I just go with the flow usually.