Tuesday, August 13, 2013

A Little of This and a Little of That...Mostly That

Coming Attractions at the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers Blog

I had to take time out today to tell you what's happening this week over at the new RMFW Blog.

First of all, today we have Julie Kazimer with a post called Follow the Yellow Brick Road and Take a Left: The Journey Through Publication.

Wednesday, we present Jeffe Kennedy with Why You "Really" Should Finish That Book.

Thursday, Susan Spann helps prepare us for those conference pitch sessions with the first of a two-part series. Part One is called Knock Your Pitch Out of the Park!

And Friday, Karen Duvall is back with another episode of the already popular Talk to the Paw. If you're a writer and a pet owner, you don't want to miss Fridays.

These four ladies are published authors in various genres and all are members of RMFW. You'll find the blog at http://www.rmfw.org/blog/.

Why is it so hard to get started on revisions?

I have three manuscripts to work on. One needs minor editing, one needs quite a bit of work, and the third needs a complete rewrite. All three are printed out. One manuscript, the most recent, is on the dining room table. It's resting. One is glaring at me from the coffee table because it wants to leave home and see what the world has to offer. The third, the oldest one, is on the bottom shelf of my bookcase in my office. That one cries a lot because it has been neglected for so long.

But I can't get started on any of them.

Once I get started, I like the revision phase of writing. I like to rework a first draft...or a fifth draft. Whatever. Once I get started, that is.

Why is it so hard?

Okay, I'll tell you why.

Because I want to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Then I want to sit in a comfortable chair and read a good book while I eat a few of those cookies. Okay, a lot of those cookies. I won't be able to start those revisions until I have cookies.

To be continued...


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Go ahead and make the cookies! Then chomp on them while you tackle revisions. And if you make too many, let me know - I'll come help you eat them.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Alex, I just checked my pantry and I have all the ingredients. As soon as I finish these important online tasks...in about three hours, I'll be in the kitchen. And I'll be only one room away from the priority manuscript.

Hi Karen. I've been retired for enough years that you'd think I'd have it all figured out. Organized, a time for everything and everything in its time. But a simple craving for chocolate chip cookies can turn my whole schedule upside down.

Prashant C. Trikannad said...

With chocolate chip cookies around I doubt I'll rewrite or revise anything!

Unknown said...

And yet another reason you are my kindred spirit. I will come over and we can find a patch of sun, read and eat cookies and share our hoarded pens and files and notebooks.

Patricia Stoltey said...

Prashant, it's pretty messy, too. The manuscript gets greasy and smeared with melted chocolate, crumbs everywhere.

Julie, that sounds like a plan. I also have a big stack of the small size legal pads and a bunch of brown 9x15 mailing envelopes. We'll mix and match.

Anonymous said...

Pat - Interesting question about revisions. For me anyway, when I finish a draft, it feels cathartic and that's pretty wonderful. And then come the revisions and there goes that sense of being done...

Thanks for the update on what's going on at the new blog - it all sounds great.